Bago River Crossing Bridge toll gate to get QR Code system

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Deputy Minister U Win Pe seen inspecting the toll gate of the Thanlyin Bridge 3 yesterday.

Deputy Minister for Construction U Win Pe, together with officials, inspected the toll gate at Bago River Crossing Bridge (Thanlyin Bridge 3) on the collection of road usage fees and the staffing status of the toll gate yesterday morning.
The deputy minister and officials attended a business coordination meeting related to ensuring that road user fees are correctly collected at the bridge toll gate and that there is no waste of money, as well as the installation of the QR Code System and the orderly movement of vehicles.
During the meeting, the deputy minister said that there should be no traffic jams in the passage of large and small vehicles on the bridge and that they could cross the bridge smoothly. He stressed that slide lights should be installed on the bridge, road safety rules when crossing the bridge should be installed with vinyl signs, and the toll collection revenue would not be lost.
Officials discussed the issues related to traffic on the bridge one by one, and the deputy minister coordinated the necessary actions and concluded the meeting.
In the afternoon, the deputy minister inspected the charging of electric vehicles at the EV charging station near the toll gate of the Yangon-Mandalay Expressway No 3 and inspected the land where an EV charging station will be built near the Bonutgyi parking lot. — MNA/KZL

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