Kayin State expands coffee production by 1,000 acres to meet market demand

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The distribution of coffee saplings and planting of coffee trees in progress in Byaingtaung Village of Hpa-an Township, Kayin State on 15 June.  Photo: Saw Myo Min Thein (IPRD)

Kayin State Chief Minister U Saw Myint Oo urged the widespread cultivation of coffee, emphasizing its potential to generate foreign income and highlighted the importance of collaboration for further developing the state’s coffee industry during the distribution of coffee seedlings and planting of coffee trees in Byaingtaung village of Hpa-an township on 15 June.
The state authorities are planning to expand coffee cultivation by 1,000 acres due to strong market demand, as coffee is a valuable crop and is among the most traded commodities globally by volume.
Kayin State produces a significant amount of coffee beans, with 2,122.96 tonnes coming from 10,029 acres of plantations.
Notably, Thandaunggyi township is known for cultivating a large portion of coffee, primarily the Robusta variety.
The chief minister and other government officials planted a total of 1,522 coffee plants on 3.5 acres and distributed 43,500 coffee plants to coffee farmers for 100 acres.
Furthermore, the chief minister and the team inspected the coffee plantations and offered gifts to the cultural troupes who were also present at the ceremony. — Saw Myo Min Thein (IPRD)/TRKM

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