Thayet Taunggyi protected public mangrove forest designated for biodiversity preservation

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MoNREC), exercising authority under Section 6 (e) of the Forest Law enacted in 2018, declared 601.6 acres of land in Thayetchaung Township of Dawei District in Taninthayi Region as the “Thayet Taunggyi protected public mangrove forest” through Notification 47/2024 (7 June 2024).
The ministry designates protected public forests and forest reserves to maintain the ecosystem of mangrove forests, enriching the diverse biological species, protect against natural disasters by serving as natural barriers, provide seafood for local communities, and improve the administration of mangrove forest ecosystems.
The benefits of protecting the Thayet Taunggyi mangrove forest include conserving mangrove woodlands, preserving habitats for bird species, improving the ecosystem for fish, and enhancing protection against disasters, as they are crucial for the stability of marine ecosystems. — MNA/TRKM

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