Myanmar’s Pathein parasol business needs preservation as artisans dwindle

photo 2024 06 14 17 42 26
A Myanmar girl painting Pathein parasols at the final stage.

Since the number of artisans in Myanmar’s traditional Pathein parasol business dwindles, people want it to be preserved to prevent it from disappearing, according to the parasol business circle.

Due to high price and scarcity of raw materials, some professionals have quit the parasol business and moved to other better jobs, so it may die out if it is not supported, they said.

“Ours is a small scale parasol business and we can make a living without leaving our homes. Now, some professionals have stopped their business. Some have switched to seasonal part-time work. This is because raw materials such as wood and bamboo are expensive and difficult to find. When they sell after making parasols, they cannot fetch a good price. The main point is more expensive raw materials. Cutting wood and bamboo can only be done in season. It is difficult. The profit margin is small and the price cannot be raised suddenly. So, they have to think a lot. Some have given up this umbrella business and  moved on to other available casual work. The number of professionals is gradually decreasing. This business is dying out,” said an official from the Anta Myittar Pathein Parasol Business in Pathein.

Sales were good in May, but the market is slow during the rainy season, while the peak season is between October and April.

“Sales are good in summer. Demand and supply for Pathein parasols used to be good. Their season is the period between October and April. It is still good in May. It always sells well in its season every year,” he said.

Thit Taw/ZN

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