Mandalay to investigate oil tanker traffic violations

An oil truck is seen parking beside the road.

According to the Mandalay City Development Committee, officials will investigate violations of traffic rules by oil tankers in six townships within the committee’s boundaries.
The six townships in which inspections will be made this month include Aungmyaythazan, Chanmyathazi, Pyigyidagun, Chanayethazan, Maha Aungmyay and Amarapura Townships.
The Mandalay City Development Committee, the revenue department and the Mandalay City Development Committee Police Force will collaboratively inspect and take action against violations of rules such as parking to cause traffic jams and double-parking, as well as blocking roads by fuel trucks that are travelling with fuel in the township.
If violations of the traffic rules are found during inspections by such combined forces, a fine of up to K50,000 will be imposed, as stated by the Mandalay City Development Committee. — TWA/KZL

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