Nay Pyi Taw: 4,786 students pass 2024 matric exam, achieving 56.79% pass rate

KAT 6775 sskm
Students crowding around matric exam results in Nay Pyi Taw.

The matriculation exam was held from 11 to 19 March 2024, and the results of the exam were announced on the websites of the Examination Department and relevant schools. Of the 8,428 candidates who took the exam in the Nay Pyi Taw council area, 4,786 were successful, and the pass rate was 56.79 per cent.
Results were also posted yesterday in the exam centres opened by the examination department in the Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, and students came and checked the results with enthusiasm.
“As our examination department, there are 280 students who took the matriculation exam, and 140 of them passed, so the pass rate is 50 per cent. The national university entrance examination result list is released on the website of the Myanmar Examinations Department starting at 4 am. The examination department releases the results at 6 am in schools. One student got four distinctions (4D), two garnered 3D, three secured 2D and 10 gained 1D. I’m very grateful and congratulate their parents on their success”, said headmistress Daw Khin Myint Yi of the No 7 Basic Education High School.
In the 2024 matriculation exam, there were a total of 1,088 candidates in the Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, and the pass percentage was 53.28 per cent.
“I am thrilled that I passed the matriculation exam today as expected. I am proud that my parents are happy with the results of my efforts. I would like to thank all the parents and teachers who have supported me in achieving this success. I am also proud and happy for my friends who passed the exam. I want to continue studying the subjects that I am interested in, but I have to decide based on the marks”, a young person who passed the exam said.
Two out of three candidates who sat for the exam as a special programme at the No 14 Basic Education High School in Zabuthiri Township, Pyinmana District, Nay Pyi Taw, also achieved two distinctions.
Starting at 4 am yesterday, the matriculation examination result lists were released on the Myanmar National Examinations Department’s website,, by respective regions and states, and many people visited the website.
In addition, the Voice of Myanma Radio programme announced the results of examination centres in regions and states with difficult road communication. If there is anything unclear about the results, people can contact the Myanmar Examination Department. — MNA/KZL

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