Applications invited for Kaigo Scholarship

photo 2024 06 11 15 48 42
Article on those who aim to study in Japan on kaigo scholarship, published in J Compass Magazine.

Submission of applications is accepted as of 11 June 2024 for Kaigo Scholarship which will be provided in April 2025, Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni ( MAJA)Education Centre announced.

Submission is accepted from 11- 21 June, 2024, until 4:00pm. Requirements are- above JLPT, TopJ, NAT Test, JTest (N3) level (certificate is required), above 18 and under 27 years old, passed grade 12 or passed at least first year of university education, unmarried, without having tattoo, not infected with communicable diseases such as TB, Hepatitis B and C and HIV and PV passport holder or (QR code is received for PV). Those who have already applied student visa or other types of visa to Japan and those who were rejected for Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) are ineligible.

For applying, personal information have to be filled in at https:// , along with 3cm-6cm photo, passport or QR code, education certificate, Japanese language proficiency test certificate and essay need to be submitted.

Detailed information about the scholarship programme will be sent to applicants’ Gmail addresses which are filled in Google Form.


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