Izana Art Gallery invites young artists for “Breathing Space” Art Exhibition

The Izana Art Gallery invites young artists to participate in the “Breathing Space” Art Exhibition, scheduled from 15 to 19 June, at their gallery located in Pazundaung Township.
Artists interested in participating in the exhibition must submit a minimum of three self-created artworks, along with their background, Artist Bio, and Statement, to the Izana Gallery by 8 June 2024, with the understanding that the organizing team will select the paintings for the exhibition.
A representative of the gallery said, “This is a great opportunity for artists to connect with art lovers and collectors, showcasing their own creations. The selected paintings will be displayed at the monthly exhibition.”
The gallery warmly invites artworks for the exhibition without any limitations on the theme, medium, design, or size of the paintings. — ASH/TRKM

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