Kawthoung border nears May export target

Myanmar exports oil fish, sand crab, anchovy, ray, squid, octopus and other fisheries.

The Kawthoung border for Myanmar-Thailand trade aimed to achieve an export target of US$17 million in May 2024, and the actual trade value reached $16.687 million, performing 98.159 per cent of the trade target for May, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
There is always a trade surplus at the Kawthoung border, with exports surpassing imports. Fisheries export at Kawthoung checkpoint are operating with a freight on-board system.
Between 28 May and 1 June, Kawthoung border trade amounted to $2.65 million, with exports worth $1.54 million from over 5,318 tonnes and imports worth $1.108 million from 2,938.377 tonnes.
The export volume stood at 463.207 tonnes of fisheries worth $0.452 million, 4,705.4 tonnes of agricultural produce worth $1.076 million and 150 tonnes of other goods worth $0.015 million, totalling $1.54 million.
Thailand is the leading importer of Myanmar’s maize and grants maize imports under zero tariff (with Form-D) between 1 February and 31 August. Myanmar exports maize to Thailand’s Ranong through Yangon Port. There is a direct export to Thailand from Kawthoung town as well. Myanmar has shipped 37,097.829 tonnes of maize valued at $8.368 million to Ranong from Kawthoung as of 1 June 2024.
The prices of fisheries move in the range between one to three dollars per kilogramme. Myanmar exports oil fish, sand crab, anchovy, ray, squid, octopus and other fisheries. — NN/KK

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