Over 500 pass EPS-TOPIK in agri, livestock, and construction; Over 3,700 in service industry

photo 2024 06 06 18 50 34
The 16th EPS-TOPIK exam took place at Pinlon Hall located at the corner of Min Ye Kyawswa Road and Bo Min Yaung Road, 43 ward in Dagon Myothit (North).

The Public Overseas Employment Agency (POEA-EPS) released the 16th EPS-TOPIK results on 5 June, and there are more than 500 passes in the agriculture, livestock and construction industries and more than 3,700 passes in the service sector.
According to the exam results, 513 passed in agriculture, livestock, and construction industry, with 3,767 passing in service industry groups 1 and 2.
Those who want to work in the Republic of Korea’s manufacturing industry, agriculture, livestock, construction, and service industries are required to have EPS-TOPIK and Skills Test, and POEA takes charge of the despatch of EPS workers.
In the 16th TOPIK Test, recruitment of Myanmar workers would be extended to the Republic of Korea’s service industry, and both male and female workers would be eligible to take the test. Women who completed basic high school level were also allowed for the first time, and there were many women candidates in the service sector, according to Korean language training schools.
As of 2016, the Union of Myanmar’s Ministry of Labour and the Republic of Korea’s Employment and Labour Ministry have cooperated in the recruitment of foreign workers through a marking system in Myanmar. — MT/ZS

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