Thai Embassy in Yangon to process 400 non-LA visa applications daily

photo 2024 06 06 16 29 10
Some visa applicants seen at the Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon has announced that it would receive up to 400 applicants a day for non-LA visas.
The MOU companies can only apply after booking through the embassy’s website at, and it will take just about three business days to apply for a visa, it said. Visa applicants are encouraged to follow the rules. At the same time, they are advised to make a reservation through the embassy’s website, to come to the embassy and apply on the appointment date, to check particulars on the visa page when the visa is granted, and to buy air tickets only after verifying personal information, it added.
As a non-LA Visa is valid for 90 days from the date the visa is granted, MOU companies can make arrangements for departure and other necessary preparations during this time frame. In addition, Thai immigration offers a two-year free visa for migrant workers, effective from the date of arrival, and the embassy will not be responsible for solving any resulting issues due to one’s own requirements and negligence. — MT/ZN

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