Expert advises against humidity in monsoon racehorse breeding

R Kar Soe sskm
A healthy racehorse.

Making sure there is no humidity during monsoon season can help racehorses become healthier and more robust, an official from the Myanmar Equestrian Federation suggested.
The horses dislike humidity, so stables should be kept dry, and hoof care should also be provided, according to the organization.
“Horses don’t like being wet and damp. So, in monsoon season, they need to be kept dry, and we have to care for their hooves. If their hooves are muddy, we need to clean them. Cleaning should be done on a regular basis. Their hooves always get stained because they go on the ground. If they are caught in the rain, we need to dry them back so that they will be healthier during monsoon season,” he said.
Under the theme Prevention and Control of Heatstroke and Equine Colic, a seminar took place at 1 pm on 2 June at the Myanmar Equestrian Federation located at Dagon Myothit (North) Township in Yangon Region. — Thit Taw/ZS

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