Myanmar to hold first ceremony honouring elderly Deva experts

For the first time in Myanmar, a ceremony to pay obeisance to elderly Deva experts will be held in Yangon, and plans are underway to continue this tradition in the coming years, according to the organizers of this ceremony.
Deva experts are spirit medium persons who communicate with spirits (Nat). Since they used to work with a Myanmar orchestra, they were classified under the dramatic art category. Elderly spirit experts received obeisance together with other persons from various dramatic arts.
The first separate puja for elderly Deva experts will be held at the Seinyaungchi monastery between Thamaing Myothit station and Gyogon station in Insein Township, Yangon, at 9 am on 12 June.
“In our Deva communication genre, we haven’t had an obeisance ceremony for the elderly Deva experts. Other sectors made separate ceremonies. When we think about it, we understand that we cannot hold it as a national-level event. Such a big event will take time. What we want to do is to pay respect to Deva experts from across the nation. So, as a trial, we decided to celebrate it by cooperating among Deva experts in Yangon”, said a spirit medium among the organizers.
A total of more than K19 million in donations were received, and this amount can increase further at the event. Eighty elderly Deva experts are entitled to receive obeisance according to collected data from each township.
“We will offer K150,000 to each of them, totalling K11 million. A single donor contributed to the location, event decorations, and entertainment. Myanmar orchestra will be included. We expect that it will cost K13 million. The remaining balance will be deposited in the bank. As the amount is large, we will form a committee after this event. After forming a committee, each member will take care of his assigned duties,” he said. — Htet Oo Maung/ZN

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