Terrorists attack students, civilians

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Taninthayi Region Chief Minister U Myat Ko and officials encourage the patients suffering from terrorists’ attacks.

Launglon PDF terrorists attacked a vehicle that carried students near Pyinsathimaw village in Launglon Township, Taninthayi Region, using small arms at 7:15 am yesterday, and a student was injured.
Moreover, one student died, and 25 students and people were injured when a bomb planted by terrorists exploded at 12:40 pm at the basic education school in Aeinshaepyin Ward of Dawei Township.
The injured were taken to No 12 Military Hospital (100-bed) and Dawei General Hospital for medical treatment.
Region Chief Minister U Myat Ko, Chief Justice of Region High Court Daw Pike Pike Aye, regional ministers, Deputy-Commander of Coastal Region Command Colonel Aung Myo Tun and relevant officials comforted the victims and provided them with cash assistance. — Region IPRD/KTZH

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