Deadly clashes erupt between rival PDF groups in Sagaing

Tabayin sskm
The location map of the incident.

Reports indicate a fatal shooting incident on 28 May in Dabayin Township, Sagaing Region, involving two rival factions of the so-called People’s Defence Force (PDF).
According to the reports, two PDF members from Shwebo District visited their parents in Tetaw Village, Dabayin Township, on 28 May. An altercation ensued between them and other local PDF members from Dabayin Township, escalating into gunfire. The exchange of fire resulted in the deaths of one PDF member and four family members from Shwebo District. One other PDF member was injured and managed to escape.
The escaped PDF member reportedly contacted their leader, who subsequently arrived at Tetaw Village for investigation. This sparked a further firefight between the local Dabayin PDF and the incoming PDF group, leading to three additional fatalities.
The report further alleges that the PDF has been engaged in a pattern of civilian abuse, including extortion, torture, and killings of those who do not support them. Internal conflict within the PDF is also reported, with disputes arising over control of land and territory, power struggles, misuse of extortion funds, and harassment leading to further violence and extrajudicial killings. — MNA/TMT

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