More than 130 schools in Kyaikto disinfected by Abate

photo 2024 06 04 16 02 04
Caption- Heath department staff used Abate to prevent from mosquito breeding at schools in Kyaikto Township. Photo- Kyaikto Hospital

Of more than 170 schools in Kyaikto Township, more than 130 which are in operation were cleaned by Abate, in an attempt to prevent from mosquito breeding, according to Kyaikto Township Hospital.

As a precautionary measure against dengue fever that breaks out in monsoon season, health and education staff along with students and community leaders carried out disinfection using Abate at places where mosquitoes can breed, before schools reopen.

21 children were found having dengue fever on 7 May just before the monsoon arrived, therefore parents should be aware of symptoms of dengue fever and need to carefully record of date and time the child started having fever, said the hospital.

photo 2024 06 04 16 02 05 2
Caption- Heath department staff used Abate to prevent from mosquito breeding at schools in Kyaikto Township. Photo- Kyaikto Hospital

“There were 21 children who have dengue fever until 7 May 2024, that doesn’t count children who have received treatments in other hospitals. Dengue fever is a critical disease,” the township health department warned last month.

Despite there is no vaccine, dengue fever is a disease which can be prevented by doing precautionary measures on regular basis such as “Cover, Drain, Change, Sieve”, but the disease will remain as long as people think these precautionary measures concern the health department alone, the hospital said. Prevention is better than cure, it added.


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