Kayah State government extends stipends, stationeries

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The ceremony to provide stipends, school uniforms and stationeries in progress in Kayah State.

The ceremony of providing stipends, school uniforms and stationeries for the basic education teachers, university students and personnel and government employees’ offspring who are studying basic education by the Kayah State government for the 2024-2025 academic year was held at the State Hall in Loikaw on 2 June with the attendance of Kayah State Chief Minister U Zaw Myo Tin, the regional control command commander, state ministers, state-level departmental officials and invitees.
Students first opened the ceremony with the song ‘Zartiman’, and then Chief Minister U Zaw Myo Tin gave an opening speech.
The chief minister, the regional control command commander and state ministers presented stipends, school uniforms, stationeries and cash assistance to teachers, students and relevant officials, and the State government secretary U Kyaw Kyaw Tun expressed words of thanks on behalf of all attendees.
Students sang the songs of ‘Pyi Myanmar’ and ‘Myanma Student’, and the chief minister cordially greeted the attendees. The ceremony concluded afterwards.
At the event, the Kayah State government provided K104,436,000 worth of stipends, uniforms, stationeries and cash assistance for basic education teachers, university students, education personnel and government employees’ offspring who are studying basic education for the 2024-2025 academic year. — State IPRD/KTZH

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