Sitagu Cakkhu Dana Hospital (Yangon) donates sight with free surgeries for 6th time

photo 2024 06 03 17 34 33
Yangon Chief Minister U Soe Thein and team looked around and encouraged eye patients at the Sitagu Cakkhu Dana Hospital (Yangon) on 31 May.

Eye specialists will perform surgeries for patients with eye diseases at Sitagu Eye Hospital, located near the descent of the Bailey Bridge in Dagon Myothit (North) Township, Yangon, for the sixth time from 31 May to 7 June.

1317 outpatients were examined and 169 of them were operated on to regain their sight from 31 May to 2 June. There have been five previous rounds, with a total of more than 2000 eye patients undergoing surgery. Eye patients across Myanmar are advised to visit to the Sitagu Eye Hospital (Yangon) not later than 7 June for free examination and surgical treatment.

During his donation to the hospital on 31 May, Yangon Chief Minister also toured the wards, inspected medical examinations by experts using modern equipment and encouraged eye patients waiting for examination and treatment.

Since its inception in January 1993, the Sitagu Eyesight Dana (donation) programme has treated more than 200,000 patients who have regained their sight in about 50 hospitals established by the Sitagu Sayadaw throughout the country, including Sitagu-Ayu Dana, Sitagu-Arogya Dana and Sitagu-Cakkhu Dana.


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