More than 6.2 million students enrolled at basic education schools for 2024-25 AY

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The school enrolment processing for the 2024-2025 academic year in 2024.

As primary, middle and high schools under the Department of Basic Education will be opened on 3 June for the 2024-25 academic year, enrolment of students is admitted by setting the school enrolment week from 23 May to 2 June.
Yesterday, school heads, those in charge of schools and teachers of relevant basic education schools in regions and states assisted parents and guardians in smoothly enrolling their children. Moreover, stationery and school textbooks provided by the Ministry of Education were presented to students.
Up to the 10th day of the school enrolment week on 1 June, a total of 6,275,691 students have enrolled at basic education schools, private schools and monastic education schools in all regions and states, and students are enrolling at the schools till 2 June. — MNA/TTA

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