Union Information Minister inspects libraries in Yangon

Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn, accompanied by Yangon Region Social Affairs Minister U Htay Aung, inspected the Public Libraries and National Libraries in Yangon yesterday.
The Union minister first visited the Myoma Library in Yankin Township and discussed the needs with the library supervisory committee members to upgrade the library services, place proper books and journals for the youths to receive correct information, and create an atmosphere to share knowledge. He provided K2 million and ten copies and publications for the library.
The Myoma Library is located on Yan Naing Lane 7 in Yankin Township and offers over 5,000 copies and publications.
He then proceeded to the Tun Foundation Library in Bo Aung Kyaw Street of Botahtaung Township, where he met library officials.
During the tour, he said that the efforts of the Head of State in the development of libraries, benefits of the Tun Foundation Library for the youths and students, and its reference books, and donated 50 copies and publications.
The Tun Foundation Library was established in November 2004 with 2,396 library members. Currently, it provides 7,500 Myanmar books, 29,581 English books and 117 books of other languages.
He also visited the Information and Public Relations Department in Ahlon Township and the National Library (Yangon) in Pabedan Township and provided proper instructions regarding the library development activities.
He inspected the Wazira Cinema on Bogyoke Aung San Street on the same morning and urged officials concerned to maintain the cinema in accordance with the standards systematically. — MNA/KTZH

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