More opportunities for Myanmar youths in film industry training programme

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The photo shows trainees from the ASEAN-ROK Flim Leaders Incubator – FLY project 2023.

More Myanmar youths will have the chance to attend a shooting course and workshop organized by the Korea-Busan Film Commission and the Asian Film Commission Network.
Information officer U Chan Thar Kyi Soe of the international relations committee of the Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization shared this information.
The ASEAN-ROK Film Leaders Incubator–FLY project aims to nurture the next generation of young filmmakers from ASEAN countries and member countries of the Asian Film Commission Network. These courses and workshops are held annually, and young people from ASEAN countries are invited to apply for this year’s events, scheduled to take place in Laos from 30 October to 13 November.
Myanmar youths who are interested in attending the course and workshop can apply by contacting the Motion Pictures Development Division under the Ministry of Information directly or through the international relations committee of the Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization. — ASH/ TRKM

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