iPHEX invites Myanmar business delegates

Myanmar business delegates are invited to participate in iPHEX, the International Exhibition of Pharma and Healthcare, that will be held from 28 to 30 August 2024, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
iPHEX is an initiative of the Ministry of Commerce to position “India as Pharmacy of the World” to showcase the entire Indian spectrum of drugs, pharmaceuticals and the healthcare industry.
More than 360 Indian companies will display their products related to pharma and health care at the exhibition, expecting to attract 20,000 visitors.
Business delegates, including one government official, two representatives from the pharma manufacturing sector and pharma importers, will be sponsored for air tickets and accommodation. Yet, the representatives have to buy the air tickets themselves and can claim them in line with Pharmexcil policy.
The representatives from iPHEX must register online. For further information, individuals can contact director Mr Murali via phone at +91 9849283461 or director Mr Kamal by phone at +91 9899392930 and e-mail: [email protected]. — NN/EM

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