MoIP to enforce action against fake UID holders

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The photo shows the queue of people who are waiting to get UID numbers in Sangyoung Township.

The Ministry of Immigration and Population has announced that action will be taken against individuals found to be holding fake Unique Identification (UID) numbers in accordance with the law.
The ministry is currently implementing the process of issuing UID numbers by collecting personal and biographical information from individuals residing in the country, utilizing electronic technology to enhance public safety and promote social welfare.
UID numbers are being issued free of charge by the relevant immigration and population offices, as well as mobile teams conducting field operations. However, there have been reports of individuals employing brokers to obtain UID numbers.
A UID number serves as a national identification card containing personal and biometric data, including facial features, fingerprints of all ten fingers, and pupil information. Therefore, individuals are required to visit their respective township immigration and population offices in person to undergo the necessary processes for obtaining a UID number.
Furthermore, individuals encountering difficulties or facing demands for payment while attempting to obtain a UID number are encouraged to contact and report such issues through the Facebook page of the Electronic Registration System Department – elDDept. — TWA/TRKM

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