Officials need to raise security awareness and knowledge of people in Yangon Region

Officials were instructed to carefully supervise the prevention of unacceptable bullying and extortion in accord with the law.

The government is carrying out all measures of People’s Military Service in accordance with the laws, said Vice-Senior General Soe Win.
Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win met Yangon Region cabinet members and district and township officials at the hall of Yangon Region government yesterday morning to talk about regional development and economic sectors.
Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-Senior General said: As some malicious media wishing to undermine peace and stability spread misinformation against implementation of the People’s Military Service Law to cause public panic, the government is carrying out all tasks under the law.
In the livestock breeding sector in Yangon Region, the Vice-Senior General noted that as some 17-20 million layers and broilers are being raised in Yangon Region, military units have to establish feedstuff factories for the production of poultry feed in accord with the guidance of the Head of State so as to reduce 20 per cent of feedstuff production cost than the market prices.
He continued that if feedstuff factories operated for chickens, pigs, fish, and cattle, livestock farming would have greater achievement.
He emphasized the disbursement of K7.5 billion out of K8 billion to businesspersons for the enhancement of the State economy, adding that the loans must be spent on the actual running of businesses.
The Vice-Senior General pointed out that only when businesspersons actually operate their businesses will they be able to pay back the loans. If so, such money can be disbursed again to other industries, he added.
The Vice-Senior General stressed that preparations must be made for enumerating the population and household census across the nation from 1 to 15 October 2024.
He underscored that as the census is concerned with all residents of the nation, correct data from the census must be enumerated in order to contribute to education, health, defence, social and economic sectors of the country as well as development undertakings in regions and states.
In the education sector, he urged officials to strive to open all schools in the coming academic year and stressed the need to manage all school-age children to pursue education safely in accord with the guidance of the Prime Minister.
The Vice-Senior General highlighted that MSME businesses should not set a vision of foodstuffs and personal goods production for just domestic consumption; instead, they have to set a target to manufacture agriculture- and livestock-based export items.
The Vice-Senior General instructed relevant officials to solve water and power supply and labour issues of economic zones in line with the adopted frameworks.
At the meeting, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein and departmental officials reported on the progress of agriculture and livestock breeding farms, disbursement of loans to businesspersons from the State economic promotion fund, issuance of MSME member cards, implementation of Thilawa Special Economic Zone, formation of people’s security supervisory bodies, preparations for collection of the census, systematic selection of those inclusive of the People’s Military Service Law, and implementation of Pankhinn project.
Also present at the meeting were SAC member Dr Ba Shwe, Union ministers, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and officials. — MNA/TTA

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