Honour the sacrifices of nurses and midwives


The International Council of Nurses (ICV) has set International Nurses Day since 1974 in honour of the birthday of renowned Florence Nightingale, which falls on 12 May as part of recognizing the efforts of nurses and midwives in serving the interests of the entire people. In 1991, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) designated the International Day of the Midwives on 5 May every year.
As such, relevant societies set themes for both commemorative days yearly to enhance the capacity of nurses and midwives. The theme of the 2024 International Day of the Midwife has been set as “Midwives: A Vital Climate Solution”, and the relevant theme of International Nurses Day is “Our Nurses. Our future. The Economy and Power of Care”.
The Ministry of Health of Myanmar marked the International Day of the Midwife and International Nurses Day at the Nursing and Midwifery Training School in Nay Pyi Taw on 10 May morning in honour of the endeavours of nurses and midwives in serving their assignments for providing healthcare services and control of diseases and pandemics with sacrifices of life and limbs in all situations.
In fact, nurses and midwives play a crucial role in implementing universal health coverage for all people by nurturing ailing persons, preventing illness, providing healthcare services for patients and assisting in the rehabilitation of already-recovered patients.
The statistics of the World Health Organization state that the forces of nurses and midwives account for some 50 per cent of all human resources for health. As such, their strength is in taking a high role in providing qualified healthcare services to the people. On the other hand, nurses and midwives have to follow the relevant ethics and behaviours as well as adore nursing and midwifery professions and ethics while serving the interests of the State.
At the time of the State Administration Council, the Wunna Kyaw Htin title was conferred on Florence Nightingale award winners Major Daw Khin Ohn Mya, Daw M Yaw Nam (Assistant Director-Retired), Daw Thein Yi (Female Health Staff-Retired) and U Sa Naing Naing Tun (Senior Nurse). Moreover, the Ye Bala medal was presented to six nurses and midwives for their sacrifice of life and limb in terror attacks.
In fact, noble persons can disperse loving-kindness, empathy and sympathy to living beings, but they never focus on their interests. Only when compassion spreads across the universe will all societies be prosperous and peaceful.

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