Security forces in Madaya falsely accused of torching village

Malicious media outlets have spread misinformation on social media accusing security forces in Madaya Township, Mandalay Region, of torching Udein, Mweteoak, and Mwekatoseik villages without provocation on 9 May. They further allege that 20 houses burnt down as a result.
An official of the security forces said they confronted PDF terrorists near Udein Village. A terrorist group inside the Mwekatoseik Village school fired handmade heavy weapons indiscriminately, which fell and exploded in Udein Village, leading to houses catching fire.
Terrorists retreated from Mwekatoseik Village after the engagement. The security forces discovered six handmade mortars, 45 handmade grenades, and detonation-related equipment in the school.
Similarly, another fake report alleged that Tatmadaw’s heavy weapon shell dropped on a rubber plantation in Zeepyaung Village, Theinzayat Township, Mon State, killing one resident on 6 May. A security force member clarified that there was no heavy weapons firing on 6 May.
Terrorists have been reportedly targeting non-military entities, instilling fears among the public. Residents are encouraged to report terrorists discreetly to security forces. Subversive media have circulated false news to mislead the public. — MNA/NT

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