Palin Kanthaya elephant camp expected to receive more guests this Thingyan

The Palin Kanthaya elephant camp is expected to receive more visitors during this Thingyan festival, according to a camp official.
The Palin Kanthaya elephant camp, a well-known destination, is located near the west Palin village beside the Myingyan-Pakokku Road in NyaungU Township, Mandalay Region.
“Throughout the year, there are usually more visitors in April. As our elephant camp is situated on the Ayeyawady river bank, we arrange palm-leaf huts and detached huts for those who want to evade the heat. We have also expanded our services to include photo taking places, sales of local products from Anyar (Upper Myanmar) areas and water fountains for morning and evening water play in the Ayeyawady river. We expect more guests to come this Thingyan than last year,” said an official.
People can enjoy elephant rides along the riverbank while learning general knowledge about elephants. There will be a playground for children and an elephant museum displaying interesting facts such as elephant skeletons, ivories and other elephant-related items.
“You can watch the elephants being sent into the river and the young elephants taking a bath. We send them into the river at 7:30-8:00 am and 4:30-5:00 pm. We can arrange if you would like to donate a buffet for young elephants. It will cost about K 50,000-K100,000,” the camp posted on its Facebook page.
Admission to the Palin Kanthaya elephant camp is K 1,000 per person for locals and K 10,000 for foreigners, and it is free for the children under 10. — Thit Taw/ZN

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