Artistes from film, theatre, music and literature to receive eye surgery with free of charge

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Eye specialists examine eye patients at Shweratu Tipitaka Cakkhupala Eye Hospital in Yangon.

The artistes from the realms of film, theatre, music and literature will receive eye surgery with free of charge by the ophthalmologists from Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar, according to U Nay Win, Secretary of the Myanmar Theatrical Association (Central).

The ophthalmologists from Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar will provide free eye surgical treatment to the artistes starting from 10 March under the patronage of Shweratu Tipitakadhara Tipitakakovida Dhammabhandagarika Myinmu Sayadaw Bhaddanta  Vamsapala Lankara and Tipitaka Sayadaw Bhaddanta Paññasila Lankara Lankara.

“The Myanmar Theatrical Association (Central) warmly welcomes the offering to provide free eye surgical treatment and arranges coordination with related associations to provide the free eye surgical treatment. Individuals want to undergo the surgery have to contact the relevant associations by the end of March,” said U Nay Win.

Starting from 10 March, the artistes from all over Myanmar will be given free eye surgery at the Shweratu Tipitaka Cakkhupala Eye Hospital (Yangon) in Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township.

It is also reported that accommodation arrangements will be made for eye patients who come from another Regions and States.—ASH/ MKKS

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