De-oiled groundnut cake demand surges for animal feed, pickled foods

Groundnut Cake

Groundnut expeller cake, useful as animal feed or edible in pickled form, is well sold in the market, according to the interviews.
Primarily used as animal feed, defatted groundnut cake is the most suitable for feeding pigs, and its demand is on the rise.
“De-oiled groundnut cake is sold in viss, and here it is K2,600, K2,700 or K2,800. Demand is rising. But, due to transport issues, sellers and buyers face a few difficulties. You can see plenty of these cakes as this is the groundnut harvesting season, and there are many groundnut farmers in our Kyuntaw area,” said Ko Kyaw Thu Tun, a groundnut oil merchant from Singu.
Singu, Madaya (west) and Thabeikkyin townships, where groundnut is the principal crop, are top among the producing areas of groundnut expeller cakes.
Amarapura buys most groundnut expeller cakes in the Mandalay Region, while other buyers are from Bayintnaung wholesale centre and Twantay in Yangon Region and Bago Region.
“Sales of these cakes can be said to be rising. They are mainly used as animal feed. The increased number of livestock breeders may be one of the reasons,” said a groundnut expeller cake wholesaler. — Thit Taw/ZN/ED

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