Nearly 300 domestic visitors tour Ayekyun village in Madaya daily

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The photo shows a sightseeing view of Ayekyun village's pagoda festival.

Ayekyun village in Madaya Township of Mandalay Region, where community-based tourism (CBT) is being implemented, receives approximately 300 domestic visitors daily, according to U Maung Maung Lay, chairman of the Irrawaddy dolphin conservation team under the Department of Fisheries (Mandalay Region).
Visitors to the village mainly come to observe the Irrawaddy dolphins and learn about the local people’s handicraft industries.
“The villages in Mandalay Region implementing the CBT programmes are Sinkyun, Ayekyun, Myayson, Seinpankon in Madaya township, Myitkungyi, and Saethel in Singu township. Visitors to Ayekyun village mainly come to observe the Irrawaddy dolphins inhabiting the Ayeyawady River,” said U Maung Maung Lay.
The number of visitors to Ayekyun village is increasing as domestic visitors show interest in the weaving, pottery, bamboo hat, cheroot, sandal industries, and the traditional handicraft industry. — ASH/MKKS

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