Chickpea market doing well with good demand

photo 2024 01 23 14 39 30

The chickpea market is doing well and demand is also good, say pulse traders.

A bag of chickpea costs about K 3 lakh and it is selling well because of the purchase by gram crushing businessmen.

“A bag of chickpea is now around K 3 lakh. Businessmen from milling industry buy it. There is not a big export market but there is a local market. It is steady. The price has increased a little more than before. It has increased by K 10000 – 20000 per bag. There is demand,” a pulse trader said.

Chickpea farmers benefited from the high yield in 2023 because there were fewer incidences of root bacterial and fungal diseases, resulting in fewer plant losses.
In the first week of January, 2024, prices of matpe and pigeon pea went up but those of millet and chickpea stagnated, according to records from the Bayintnaung wholesale centre.

Current prices per viss are K 6150 to K 6450 for split chickpeas, K 4830 to K 4920 for small white chickpeas, and K 4965 to K 5050 for big white chickpeas.
Thit Taw/ZN

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