Tender called for Kyauktawgyi Pagoda service works

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Some prayer halls seen on platform of Kyauktawgyi Pagoda.

An open tender is called for public service works at the Kyauktawgyi Pagoda in Insein Township, Yangon, according to the trustee.
The tender will encompass service provisions across 11 sectors for 12 months in 2024, catering to visitor needs such as restrooms, market stalls, fish and tortoise feed, Myanmar handicraft shops, sale of offerings for the spirits and more.
Bidders can learn the rules and acquire the proposal forms at the trustee’s office starting from 1 December. The winner will be announced in the presence of the bidders on 11 December.
However, the bidders whose proposed prices fall below the minimum bid will not receive a refund of their deposit, according to the announcement.
The pagoda is famous for its Buddha image called Loka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni and is located on Mindhamma Hill in East Gyogon Ward. — TWA/NT

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