Yangon: Myanmar’s most populous city with 9 mln people

Yangon Region is the most populous region in Myanmar with nine million residents – 4.2 million males and 4.8 million females, according to the country’s estimated

population census released on 1 October.
The population density of Yangon is the highest in the country.
According to the data collected based on the 2014 Population and Household Census, Myanmar has an estimated 56.2 million people — 26.8 million men and 29.4 million women on 1 October 2023.
The population of Kayah State is the smallest with 400,000—200,000 men and 200,000 women.
There is a total of 16.6 million people – eight million men and 8.6 million women in seven states. The Shan State shows the highest population with 6.8 million people when compared with other states.
A total of 20.2 million people live in Ayeyawady, Bago and Yangon regions while 5.7 million in Sagaing Region.
Out of the 56.2 million people, about six million are abroad. — TWA/KTZH

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