Export income of Myanmar watermelons reaches 28.697 mln Chinese yuan as of July 2023

Watermelons sskm
Fleshy quality watermelon.

U Zaw Than Tun, CEC member of the Myanmar-China Business Association (MCBA) in Shan State (North), stated that the border trade of Myanmar watermelons to China was more than 40,000 tonnes, and the export income was 28.697 million Chinese yuan from January to July 2023.
Myanmar fruits are mainly exported to China through the Manman route of the China-Myanmar Wang Ding border crossing, and fruits such as watermelons, mangoes, and mangosteen are entering China daily.
“At present, the export of watermelons from Myanmar to China has decreased quite a bit. During the seven months from January to July this year, more than 40,000 tonnes of watermelons worth 28.697 million Chinese yuan were exported through the Wang Ding border. Due to the different seasons of watermelons in China and Myanmar, more than 80 per cent of the watermelons on the Chinese market when they are out of season in China were exported from Myanmar,” he continued.
Currently, watermelon crops are in season in Myanmar, and it is reported that each watermelon is sold for K1,000 to K1,500 in the domestic market.
In Myanmar, the watermelon crop is mainly grown in Yangon, Bago, Ayeyawady, and Sagaing regions, and these melons are a short-year crop that takes about two and a half months from the time of cultivation to the time of plunking. — ASH/CT

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