Bago Region’s tourist destinations draw 146,880 visitors within seven months in 2023

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Captured amidst Bago's splendour: Thai visitors pose with the Shwethalyaung Reclining Buddha Image.

In the seven months from January to July 2023, the tourist destinations in the Bago Region attracted 146,880 local and foreign visitors, including Thai tourists, U Tin Oo, Economic Minister of Bago Region government told the Global New Light of Myanmar yesterday.
The popular tourist sites in the region are Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Shwethalyaung reclining Buddha Image, Hinthagon Pagoda, Kyaikpun Pagoda, and Kanbawzathadi Palace in the eastern Bago Region and Shwesandaw Pagoda, Shwemyethman Pagoda, Shwebonthamuni Pagoda, and Akauk Hill in the western Bago region. Visitors to the aforementioned locations increased this year compared to the same period last year.
“The seven-month period from January to July this year saw 140,110 homegrown tourists and 6,770 overseas tourists totalling 146,880, and it is 27,290 more than last year’s same period of 119,590,” U Tin Oo said.
The region saw 35 package tours that accounted for 532 visitors in the seven months.
During three weeks of August alone the region has seen a total of 28 package tours (582 visitors), he said.
The majority of overseas tourists visiting the Bago Region are from Thailand and many of them visit Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Shwethalyaung reclining Buddha Image and Kanbawzathadi Palace. —ASH/TH

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