SAC facilitates smooth transition to elected govt

State Administration Council will execute further stages of the roadmap by ensuring a seamless transfer of state responsibilities to the forthcoming elected government

Although it is difficult to successfully hold the election by a cent per cent, the government will try hard to hold the election as much as possible so that the people do not lose the right of voting, said State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the meeting with members of the newly-formed State Administration Council at the SAC Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General highlighted that as some ethnic armed organizations are involved in terror acts without following the agreements of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement-NCA, terror acts of PDF terrorists became worse. These terror acts cause delays in restoring peace and stability, the rule of law and development undertakings in some areas, he added.
The Senior General noted that destructive acts of PDF terrorists and some EAOs harm peace and stability, the rule of law and development measures in ethnic areas and cause loss of learning for students. Moreover, people lose employment opportunities and socioeconomic life whereas the country faces loss for its future.
As such, the Senior General stressed the need to restore peace and stability of the nation in order to successfully hold a free and fair multiparty democratic general elections.
In the ethnic sector, the Senior General underscored that the government places an emphasis on the development of the ethnic areas as well as those ethnicities have been granted equal rights aligned with the Constitution. Tatmadaw has been focusing on peace and stability of ethnic regions under the agreements mentioned in the NCA whereas EAOs have to deeply follow the NCA, he added.
In the democratic system, the Senior General said that concepts and attitudes of political parties will not be equal but can be different. So, they have to follow the wish of the majority without emphasizing the personal cult and races but focus on the attitudes of the minority. Hence, all have to strive for the implementation of future processes in order to strengthen the multiparty democratic system and build the Union based on democratic and federal systems.
As the State Administration Council will hand over the State duties to the government elected from the free and fair multiparty democratic general elections, utmost efforts must be made for holding the free and fair election under the law and enabling the people of the entire nation to cast votes in all regions. The government has to take responsibility for all eligible voters to cast votes.
In the first two-year term, the SAC strived for peace and stability of the State, the rule of law, and the socioeconomic development of the people. In the six-month extended term, the SAC tried to adopt sound foundations for the development of the State. In further extended terms, the SAC needs to accelerate the development of the State.
If disturbances are committed over the efforts for peace and stability of the State, rule of law and socioeconomic development of the people, these will harm the development of the State and socioeconomic development of the people. The entire people have to cooperate with the government for ceasing all terror acts and strengthening peace and stability as well as a multiparty democratic system. In the current term, the Senior General expressed his belief that cooperation of the council members will have to boost the momentum in peace and stability of the State, rule of law and development undertakings. — MNA/TTA




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