Rapid acceleration of development initiatives in Rakhine State

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Chief Minister of Rakhine State U Htein Lin views round the progress of the soft crab farming at TMP soft crab farm in Abay Village of Taungup Township yesterday.

Chief Minister of Rakhine State U Htein Lin who is in the capacity of Chairman of Rakhine State Natural Disaster Management Committee made an inspection tour of Thandwe and Taungup districts to inspect development measures and expansion of agriculture and livestock farms.
The Rakhine State Chief Minister viewed a demonstration on the cultivation of high-yield GW-11 and Sinthukha paddy strains to yield 100 baskets of paddy in Aleywa Village of Thandwe Township yesterday morning.
He viewed round progress of the soft crab farming at TMP soft crab farm in Abay Village of Taungup Township, the processing of soft crabs in the cold storage in Thandwe and the export process as well as plans to extend the farming tasks. The Chief Minister also looked into arrangements made for the production of edible bird nests near the soft crab farm.
He also observed the 15 acres of thriving Hsinthwelat paddy seed production farm of the Agriculture Department in Thetkaepyin Village of Taungup Township. He also visited Basic Education Primary School in Moke Village.
In the afternoon, he attended the respect-paying and fresher welcoming ceremony of the Zoology Department of Taungup University and inspected the progress of building the convocation hall of the university.
The chief minister met district and township-level departmental officials at the hall of Taungup Township. On the occasion, he said that an emphasis must be placed on peace and stability for the development of the region. He urged departmental officials to pour out greater efforts in serving their duties. As high-yield monsoon paddy strains have been distributed to local farmers, officials need to provide agricultural techniques and necessary measures for those farmers in order to boost the per-acre yield of crops. He underscored that departmental officials have to lend a helping hand to each other focusing on the development of the district. —Tin Tun (IPRD)/TTA

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