SAC Member DPM MoTC Union Minister inspects relief, rehabilitation work of, departmental officials, relief teams, locals at Sittway University

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State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications Admiral Tin Aung San encourages health workers at the Sanda Yama Pariyatti Monastery in Kyetkinetan Village of Sittway yesterday.

State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications Admiral Tin Aung San received Chairperson Prof Dr San San Myint Aung of the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (MMCWA) at the Rakhine State government office yesterday.
During the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister heard the report on maternal and child healthcare services for Mocha victims, systematic distribution of food, and maternal and child healthcare services in Rakhine State and made suitable instructions.
Then, Admiral Tin Aung San, accompanied by Union Ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, U Myo Thant and Dr Thet Thet Khine, Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin, deputy ministers and relevant officials, went to Sittway University. During the visit, they inspected the relief works and rehabilitation processes carried out by relief teams and departmental officials and locals. Meanwhile, the MoE deputy minister and the rector of Sittway University explained the work progress.
The Deputy Prime Minister then stressed the need to maintain the university’s unique characteristics and drainage system in the university premises in the rainy season.
Admiral Tin Aung San and party inspected the healthcare services of specialists of Sittway General Hospital at the religious hall of Sanda Yama Pariyatti Monastery in Kyetkinetan Village of Sittway and provided medics and patients with foodstuffs.
They then headed to Shwemingan jetty and checked the conditions to transport the trees, which were uprooted by Mocha, to Yangon jetty by the vessel Charities to produce value-added wood carved products.
Then, the Admiral received officials from MPT, MyTel, Atom Myanmar and Ooredoo Myanmar at the Rakhine State chief minister’s office.
During the meeting, he expressed gratitude for their efforts to complete the repairing of the communication system in Rakhine State in a short while, installation of new equipment with better techniques that can withstand storms than before, free WiFi, and Internet system under Corporate Social Responsibility-CSR in the education, health, religious and social sectors in storm-hit areas. – MNA/KTZH

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