MCEF donates water purifiers, related materials to Mocha-affected Sittway University

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The deputy minister for education presents a certificate of honour to the MCEF chair for the donations of the latter (L) to the Sittway University yesterday.

The Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Federation (MCEF) donated water purifiers and related materials to the Sittway University affected by Cyclone Mocha at the convocation hall of the university at 9 am on 12 June.
Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung gave his opening speech at the ceremony, and MCEF Chairman U Shein Win clarified the donation.
Then they continued the programme of donating soybean milk to basic education schools in Sittway.
Afterwards, Deputy Education Minister Dr Moe Zaw Htun accepted the documents on the water treatment plant worth K35 million and the soybean milk feeding project handed over by the MCEF and the certificates of honour. Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin gave a word of thanks.
Later, the students present at the ceremony were fed soybean milk, and the MCEF Chairman stated that the MCEF is planning to feed children from basic education schools soy milk for one month.
At present soy milk will be fed to children of the schools in township headquarters, and later it is planned to feed the children of basic education schools in the townships of the state. — TWA/CT

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