MoEP Union Minister inspects repairs of power cables in Sittway township

MOEP 10 sskm
Union Electric Power Minister U Thaung Han inspects the repair work for the speedy distribution of electricity in Sittway Township yesterday.

Union Minister for Electric Power U Thaung Han inspected repair work for the speedy distribution of electricity that has been damaged by Cyclone Mocha in Sittway Township yesterday.
A total of 104 electricians of Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation arrived at Sittway by naval ship Mottama yesterday morning.
The Union minister met with 164 electricians from Magway, Bago (East/ West) and Ayeyawady Regions and instructed for speedy implementation of the work and worksite safety.
Then, the Union minister inspected the repair and maintenance of power distribution lines along Mayyu road of Sittway and went to Dhammacariya Tekkatho Monastery to check the accommodation where the staff of YESC will stay.
He also inspected the staff housing and warehouse of the township electric engineering office and 66/11kV sub-power station and comforted the staff and their families, and maintenance works at Satyoekya bridge and Sittway View Point.
At noon, the Union minister and party inspected maintenance at 66kV power line No 1 and along Mayyu road from the government guesthouse and Lawkananda pagoda and from the airport junction to the airport.
The Ministry of Electric Power assigned a total of 1,020 electricians in Sittway, MraukU and Ponnagyun townships to ensure the speedy supply of power and repair work in northern Rakhine State. It also sent 209 electricians from Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay Region, Shan, Mon and Kayin states to electrify the northern Rakhine State by the end of May. Moreover, the Tatmadaw vessels, ships and boats carry the needed materials for the maintenance works to complete in time. — MNA/KTZH

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