Illegal jade, foodstuffs, consumer goods, electronics, communication devices and vehicles confiscated

The on-duty teams under the supervision of the Customs Department conducted inspections.
Officials confiscated 10 goods including 245 small pendants (suspicious of jade) and six MI walkie-talkies worth K3 million without official documents at the Yangon International Airport on 11 January, two goods including 2,000 kilogrammes of Polymex powder that were not declared in the Import Declaration (ID) worth K8.4 million from a container at the Myanmar Industrial Port container checkpoint and eight goods including LED bulbs and solar bulbs that were different in the Import Declaration (ID) worth K20,234,164 from a Mitsubishi Fuso car (estimated value of K40 million) on Myawady-Hpa-an-Yangon road. The action was taken under Customs procedures.
Similarly, a combined team captured foodstuffs and 22 kinds of consumer goods worth K13,322,500 without official documents from three vehicles (approximately K120 million) at the Naungnon combined checkpoint in Kengtung township on 12 January. The action was taken under Customs procedures.
In addition, on 13 January, a combined team seized industrial raw materials worth K504 million without official documents at a warehouse in Dongyway village on the side of Htonebo road. The action was taken under Customs procedures.
Therefore, 14 arrests (estimated value of K708,956,664) were made on three consecutive days from 11 to 13 January, according to the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee. — MNA/MKKS

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