Operators notified of licence extension for storage of petroleum and petroleum products

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Tank Farm at Thakayta Sub-Fuel Terminal.

Renewing a licence for the storage of petroleum and petroleum product can be done between 1 November and 31 December 2022, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.
The licence has been issued in line with the rules and regulations. The licence will expire on 31 December this year. According to Petroleum and Petroleum Product bylaw 119, the extension of licence must be done two months before the expiry. The ministry released the advance notifications so that the operators of the petrol station, tank and tank farms can renew the licence for the coming years.
According to the Petroleum and Petroleum Product Law, the licence for the operations of Petroleum and Petroleum Product is granted in accordance with the provision of Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10. In compliance with (the Chapter 6, para 30 of the Law), anyone shall not be allowed to engage in the operation of the petroleum and petroleum products without holding a valid licence. The para 31 stated that entities shall not be allowed to violate or fail to follow the bylaws, notifications, directives, rules and regulations, warning signs shall be put on the vehicles or pipelines and on the flammable petroleum substances to avoid the explosion hazards, the import, transportation, storage and distribution of the dangerous petroleum and petroleum products  or non-dangerous standard petroleum and petroleum products shall be done only in accordance with the rules of that Law.
Those who fail to renew the licence during the set period must be fined two per cent of licence fees per day starting from 1 January 2023.
The application for licence extension, storage licence permit, the copy of the last survey record of the Department of Mines and the documentary photos of the condition of tank farms must be presented while renewing licence, the ministry stated.—TWA/GNLM

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