Don’t turn a blind eye to victims of terrorism

The word terrorism defines devil acts, with the purpose of destroying the life and property of others without any sympathy and empathy by prioritizing their interests. Acts of terrorism propagating a wide range of hateful ideologies continue to injure, harm and kill thousands of innocent people each year.
Despite international condemnation of terrorism, victims often struggle to have their voices heard, their needs supported and their rights upheld. Victims often feel forgotten and neglected once the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack fades, with profound consequences for them.
Few member states of the United Nations have the resources or the capacity to fulfil the medium and long-term needs of victims of terrorism to enable them to fully recover, rehabilitate and re-integrate into society. Most victims can only recover and cope with their trauma through long-term multi-dimensional support, including physical, psychological, social and financial.
Hence, the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2017. It designated 21 August as the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism in order to honour the victims and survivors of terrorism.
The United Nations has an important role in supporting member states to implement the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy by standing in solidarity and providing support to victims of terrorism, offering capacity-building assistance; establishing networks, and offering support to civil society organizations, particularly victims’ associations, and encouraging member states to promote, protect and respect the rights of victims of terrorism. With donor support, the United Nations provides technical assistance and capacity-building to member states and victims’ associations to better address the needs of victims of terrorism.
Myanmar enacted Counter-Terrorism Law on 4 June 2014. In pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Law, the government has formed the Central Committee for Counter Terrorism comprising 20 representatives from the relevant ministries with the Union Minister for Home Affairs as Chairman. Counter-Terrorism Department has been established under Myanmar Police Force in 2015 to fight against terrorist acts. The Government of Myanmar has also promulgated Anti-Money Laundering Law and set up a Financial Investigation Unit to deter and prevent the financing of terrorism.
Indeed, both the government and the people of all strata are responsible for wiping out terrorists and terrorism in all forms from the world. On the other hand, they need to give a helping hand to victims of terrorism to be able to rehabilitate themselves. It is a good thing for all.


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