Illegal timbers, working materials and electronics confiscated

SUPERVISED by the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee, effective action is being taken to prevent illegal trade under the law.
Under the instructions of the Customs Department, an on-duty- team made inspections at the Myanmar International Terminal (Thilawa), according to information on 29 July and 1 August.
Officials captured K23,515,417 worth of garment materials and construction materials that exceeded the Import Declaration (ID). The action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
Similarly, a combined team made inspections under the supervision of the Magway Region Anti-Illegal Trade Task Force.
They confiscated a total of 2.5100 tonnes of illegal ironwood and sal sawn timber worth K1,255,000 in Ngaphe township of Minbu district on 31 July and a total of 3.7716 tonnes of illegal timbers worth K264,012 in East Yoma forest reserve of Thayet district on 1 August. The action was taken under the Forest Law.
Afterwards, a Customs On-duty Team at the Yangon International Airport confiscated K12,950,000 worth of electronics without official documents on 1 August. The action was taken under the Customs Procedures.
On 3 August, a total of 5.8136 tonnes of illegal teak and hardwood worth K2,614,508 were seized in the Bago and Toungoo districts under the management of the Bago Region Anti-Illegal Trade Task Force.
Therefore, ten arrests estimated at K40,598,937 were made on 29 and 31 July and 1 and 3 August, according to the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee. — MNA

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