Wheat crop sees robust trade fetching high prices in Mandalay market

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The wheat can be cultivated once a year. It cannot be grown anywhere in Myanmar, especially in Sagaing Region. It is commonly found in southern and northern Shan State, Chin State and Kayah State.

Mandalay market has seen brisk sales of wheat crop in recent days. The wheat crop also fetch a high price, beans and pulses traders said.
It is mainly supplied by Monywa, Sagaing, Budalin, Myinmu and Myaung areas. The wheat prices stood at only K95,000 per three-basket bag in March, whereas the prevailing prices increased to K130,000-K137,000 per bag, said U Soe Win Myint from the Mandalay Soe Win Myint depot.
“Mandalay market is bustling with trading activities of wheat crops at a high price. Wheat is highly consumed in the external markets. It is the second highest demanded crop in Myanmar after the staple food rice. The high price allows the wheat growers to make profits this year. Earlier, wheat was commonly imported. To minimize the outflow of foreign currency, I like to suggest the growers add more acres and improve production. The domestic consumption of wheat is also growing year over year. The wheat has become one of the essential crops in Myanmar,” he elaborated.
The wheat can be cultivated once a year. It cannot be grown anywhere in Myanmar, especially in Sagaing Region. It is commonly found in southern and northern Shan State, Chin State and Kayah State. — Min Htet Aung (Mandalay Sub-Printing House)/GNLM

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