Illegal timbers, unregistered vehicles seized in various townships

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Officials confiscate illegal timbers.

SUPERVISED by the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee, effective action is being taken to prevent illegal trade under the law.
The Combined Inspection Team led by Police Force conducted inspections on 7 June. They confiscated an unregistered Yamaha Ray-Z 125 motorbike worth K500,000 in Tamu Township and an unregistered Cygnus car at an estimated value of K20 million in Kanbalu Township. The action was taken under the Export/Import Law.
Similarly, on the same day, under the supervision of the Bago Region Anti-Trafficking Task Force, an inspection team led by the Forest Department captured 7.6018 tonnes of illegal timbers at an estimated value of K3,379,258 in Bago, Toungoo and Pyay Districts, and the action was taken under the Forest Law.
Therefore, seven arrests at approximately K23,879,258 were made on 7 June, according to the Anti-Illegal Trade Steering Committee. — MNA

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