Only when the country earns increased finance will it provide necessary aid to service personnel and fulfil the needs of the nation: Senior General

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State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the meeting 3/2022 of the Union government in Nay Pyi Taw on 5 May 2022.

A government responsible for the nation’s economic development needs to take this into consideration, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the meeting 3/2022 of the Union government yesterday.
In his speech, the Senior General said the government needs to implement suitable projects and re-improve administrative, economic and political arenas to enable the people to walk on the path of democracy the people inspire.

Democratic rights of citizens and civil service personnel
Efforts are being made to implement the democratization process in the country. All citizens have the right to democracy. Being citizens, all civil service personnel on duty need to be free from party politics according to the experience of the nation and the Constitution.

Terror acts of PDF at home and involvement of local and foreign organizations
NUG formed so-called PDF terrorist groups with the support of terrorism oriented local and foreign organizations, causing terror acts in the nation. Some EAOs breaking ethnics participate in the cases. As such, the unrest at home became terror acts. Some persons supply necessary explosives and ordnance to PDFs. Some of them are being taken action. Now, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Tatmadaw and relevant organizations are taking security measures and restoring peace and stability for the nation. Some ethnic armed organizations do not accept terrorism.
Regarding the situation to restore peace, the Senior General said: Past 12 February was the Diamond Jubilee Union Day. Coming 4 January will be Diamond Jubilee Independence Day. Union Day was based on the Panglong Agreement signed in 1947. The ethnic armed conflict based on various definitions and demands over the agreement turns 75. Political attitudes happened to diversity after the country had regained Independence in 1948. The armed conflict of communists, which started on 28 March 1948, gave birth to the internal armed conflicts. When the ethnic affairs worsened, some parts of the Tatmadaw went underground. Some officials were forced to retire. It cannot be healed. The governments in successive have been striving to solve such problems. U Nu, in his tenure, extended the invitation for peace talks. Some of them achieved success, but some failed. Thousands of persons abandoned arms. These can be seen in the records. In his tenure, General Ne Win gave offers of peace. There is a significant and historic photo. With the caption: “They left here”, the picture bore the moves of BCP crossing the creek in Paukkhaung and leaving the above-ground meeting. It is a historic photo. At that time, the KNC group led by Saw Hunter Tha Hmwe signed the peace agreement. After the Revolutionary Council era, U Ne Win in the Lanzin Party era made efforts for the peace invitation, but the efforts failed. During its tenure, the Tatmadaw government ceased fire with ethnic armed organizations across the nation to restore peace in 1989. The agreements could not be signed, but gentlemen’s agreements were taken. They were UWSA Wa group, Mongla group, and U Zakhun Ting Ring’s Special Region 1, 2 and 3. The peace agreement could not be signed. In 2015 during the tenure of President U Thein Sein, our efforts reached the signing of the NCA. But it was not thoroughly completed. From 2016 to 2020, the Union Peace Conference (21st Century Panglong) was held. The coming year’s Independence Day will be the Diamond Jubilee Anniversary. Till today, we, our country, have not tasted the fruits of peace, democratic rights and the Independence yet. So, I told you last year that I’d like to try hard to set the year of peace this year. This year, I extended an invitation for peace on 22 April. If we invite the peace process, they said they want to discuss it. They said something about it. Their attitudes are in diversity depending on leaders and members as well as kinds of groups. Some groups accepted the invitation. Some groups responded to us for reporting to someone or seeking the decision of the committees. Simply, I said I invited you all to hold peace talks. I will meet with the leaders of organizations. I will meet organizations individually. Leaders should come here together with two members for discussions. First, I will meet with them. After that, the peace talks committee formed with three SAC members will meet with the groups individually. After holding discussions, I will explain it. We will negotiate with them for their wishes as much as possible. In this regard, we have to deal with each group. But, we decided to implement democratization at first. We will shape the country in democratic administration to be a democratic country. It is also an aspiration of the entire people.
So, if we review it, we will find the hierarchic administration and sharing of a power system. So, it can be found that we have to implement a federalism administration system suitable for Myanmar as the best. So, after I have explained it to all ethnic armed organizations to have a thorough understanding, we will discuss their wishes and explain the situations of the country. I will listen to all their discussions. And they have to review the deserved situations. So, I have given an offer of peace to them.

Need to make efforts to develop the nation
It is necessary to efficiently utilize the existing underground and above ground natural resources to enable the people to earn income and job opportunities. Hence, agricultural and livestock tasks must be done to produce value-added products to be exported to domestic and international markets. As agriculture and livestock is the basic product of Myanmar, all need to strive to secure success.

Needs for full electrification to develop the nation
Electricity is essential for the improvement of a nation. The country faces electricity deficiency not only in previous years but this year. Mainly, the rareness of diesel, coal, and natural gas inputs and the high price affect the electrification process. The government is trying its best to overcome these challenges. Hence, the government will do its utmost to reduce fuel consumption and full supply of electricity in the 2022-2023 financial year.

Needs for the development of works
There are more than 33 million acres of net sown acreage in the country, but most of the farmlands are under one season crops with at least double cropping and mix-cropping works. If the lands where one-season crops are grown can be placed under edible oil crops in the double-cropping pattern, it can contribute to the domestic oil deficiency and reduce importing cooking oil. Hence, arrangements must be made to supply water and inputs to these farmlands. Some agro-based products leave feedstuffs beneficial for agricultural and livestock farming works, creating job opportunities.

Need to generate jobs at home
There are some three million graduates in the country. Those graduates need to participate in the manufacturing and medium scale industries depending on their qualifications. It is necessary to operate the manufacturing works across the nation. If the job opportunity is booming at home, the number of labourers who flow out will decline. So, the country can mitigate the loss of labour. These tasks must be done from the basic status. And Union ministers and region and state chief ministers are to implement these projects.

Need to upgrade domestic production for local economic development
The government needs to initiate the production of foodstuffs and personnel goods. Only when the country earns deserved income will it implement the projects for the people. It is necessary to encourage ethnic businesspersons to operate manufacturing in industries suitable for Myanmar. A government responsible for the nation’s economic development needs to take this into consideration.

Need to turn out the educated for the development of the nation
The matriculation examination results will be announced at the designated time. In the coming year, it is necessary to encourage education. Some a half of population faces weakness in education. Only when the country has plentiful educated persons will the country undertake the development tasks successfully. To do so, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant ministries, are to implement education development projects.

Need to have success in works
It is necessary to supervise the personnel to have good relations with the people. The Senior General stressed the need to release the correct information to the people and submit correct and accurate data to the government. Only when data and facts are correct will it contribute much to the success of the process undertaken by the government.
The Union Ministers reported on their relevant work sectors.
In conclusion, the Senior General said as training to secure success in sports is designed to discharge the State duties, officials need to recognize their efforts and moves. The government considers guarantees for the lives of selected athletes.
At present, most youths have lesser patriotic and nationalistic spirits. Hence, it is necessary to teach, discuss and train those youths to foster a nationalistic spirit. Relevant ministries and organizations conduct cultural courses for youths. Those who initiate the fostering of nationalistic and patriotic spirit must conform to the national characteristics. Entertainments of artistes must give a nationalistic spirit to the people. Ministries need to strive to earn the deserved incomes. Only when the country earns increased finance will it provide necessary aid to service personnel and fulfil the nation’s needs.—MNA


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