Pwintphyu township grows 66,664 acres of edible oil crops, kitchen crops in winter

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Pwinphyu township agriculture department has grown about 66,664 acres of edible oil crops and kitchen crops in 2021-22 financial year during the winter planting season, according to the official statistics of the Pwinphyu Township Agriculture Department.
Pwintphyu township is one of the most irrigation water areas out of 25 townships of the Magway region. The local people are mainly engaging the agriculture business using the Maezali dam.
To prevent irrigated water shortage for local farmers in growing crops, the Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department is providing the irrigated water through the South Mone Myaungmagyi and North Mone Myaungmagyi. Consequently, the local farmers are thriving in the crop sector.
Pwintphyu township agriculture department is providing necessary farming methods and input to increase the crops yield during the winter crop season. Besides, the staff from the department are closely monitoring and supporting pest control and awareness-raising to the local farmers in each area.
Pwintphyu township targeted to cultivate a total of 66,664 acres of winter crops, including edible oil crops, kitchen crops and other cattle feed. The township grew only about 63,334 acres of winter crops. So far, about 4,447 acres of winter crops were harvested, said Daw Moe Moe Wai, the township head of the Pwintphyu Township Agriculture Department. — Ye Win Naing (NyaungU)/GNLM

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