Win Myint Hlaing from NLD (ex-MP of Taungdwingyi Township constituency-2 of Region Hluttaw) in-charge of Baikthanoe PDF, committing terror acts in Magway Region arrested

Win Myint sskm
Diagram shows contact persons of suspect Win Myint Hlaing, in-charge of Beikthanoe PDF.

In-charge of Beikthanoe PDF Win Myint Hlaing, NLD member, ex-MP of Taungdwingyi Township constituency -2 of Region Hluttaw was arrested together with two Sig Sauer P320 pistols, four magazines and 116 9mm bullets used in the terror attacks and murdering at Naungbo checkpoint near Naungbo Village in Yaksawk Township on 8 November for his terror acts to undermine the peace and stability of the State.
According to his confession, Win Myint Hlaing led the riots in Taungdwingyi Township in February 2021. In May, he fled to KNU No 2 brigade area and returned to Myothit of Magway bringing along with one MA-3 and four grenades from No 2 brigade. These arms and ammunition were handed over to Taungdwingyi PDF member Kyeekan and Zaw Yin to explode the Taungdwingyi Township education office, Myanma Economic Bank and police station.
Moreover, he bought eight magazines and 216 9mm bullets from KNU member Ko Kyaw in June and handed them over to PDF member Par Lay of Taungdwingyi.
In July, suspect Win Myint Hlaing appointed those in charge in Taungdwingyi, Magway, Myothit, Natmauk, Yesagyo and Aunglan to form Beikthanoe PDF. In connection with fugitive Zaw Wai Soe and fugitive Yi Mon, he demanded monetary assistance to purchase arms, ammunition and explosive devices. These were used in explosion and terror acts in Magway Region.
Beikthanoe PDF committed 26 times of murders, arson attacks, mine blasts and bomb blasts in Magway Region and 11 times of assassinations, totalling 37 as follows:-
– six bomb attacks on innocent civilian housings, nearby areas of military units, police staff housings, shops and betel quid shops, checkpoint and two assassinations to two innocent civilians.
– five times of bomb attacks on security force base and near USDP office, near electric power office, near education office and Mytel tower.
– four times of bomb attacks on electric power office, municipal office, police station and communication cable in Myothit Township and five assassinations to five administrators.
– four times of bomb attacks on police stations, municipal staff housing and innocent civilian housing in Yesagyo Township.
– five times of bomb attacks on Myanma Economic Bank, houses of village administration and two Mytel towers in Natmauk Township and three assassinations to three administrators.
– murdering a woman as informer once in Ottarathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw.
– one bomb attack on immigration office in Aunglan Township.
– one bomb attack on education office in KyaukpadaungTownship.
As such, severe action will be taken against Win Myint Hlaing for leading the terror acts with formation of Beikthanoe PDF in Magway Region. People are urged to secretly inform the nearest security forces about the information of terrorists.—MNA

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