Tomato from Nyaungshwe earns good price

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Tomato plants are bearing ripen fruits at patches.

Tomato from Nyaungshwe Township are sold at Thirimalar wholesale market in Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay and the growers are getting good prices, said tomato traders from the wholesale market.
These tomatoes are produced form Inlay area of Nyaunshwe in Shan State. Seven or eight 22-wheeled trucks loaded with packages of tomato are entering the wholesale market daily. In September, the price of 18-viss tomato carton was ranged at K6,000-K7,000. But the price rose in the market and it fetched K12,000-K18,000 per viss, said U Aung Moe Naing, owner of Aung brokerage in Mandalay.
“Currently, the tomatoes from Inlay area are entered the market mostly. This month, tomato price has risen by K ten thousands per viss compared to that of last month due to the transportation difficulties and lower supply. In addition to tomatoes, other vegetables are also being sold well and made good profit, he added.
About seven or eight trucks of tomato from Nyaungshwe Township daily entered Mandalay market. By the end of October, the tomatoes form the plain areas will be entering the market.
At present, all kinds of corps are getting good prices, and the growers are doing well by growing those crops this year.—Min Htet Aung (Mandalay Sub-printing House)/GNLM

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